Prof Ames Dhai

Professor Ames Dhai is a Founder and Past Director of the Steve Biko Centre for Bioethics at the Wits Faculty of Health Sciences, Professor of Bioethics and Health Law at the Wits School of Clinical Medicine, Specialist Ethicist at the Office of the President and CEO of the South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC), member of the Academy of Science South Africa (ASSAf) and Chairperson of the UNESCO International Bioethics Committee. Some of her current activities include: Chairperson of the SAMRC Bioethics Advisory Panel, the SA Human Sciences Research Council Research Ethics Committee and the SA National Blood Services Research Ethics Committee, and the ASSAf Biosafety and Biosecurity Committee. Prof Dhai is a Vice-Chair on the Ministerial Advisory Committee for COVID-19 Vaccines; member of the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Unrelated Organ Transplants and a member of the Advisory Committee to the SA Law Commission Project on Medical Litigation.