Dr Nomandla Madala

Current position is Head of Department of Internal Medicine, Sefako Makgatho University and Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital since 2016. Previously was Head of Clinical Unit in the Departments of Nephrology and Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), 2002-2015.
Obtained undergraduate and postgraduate training at the former University of Natal, now UKZN;
Qualified as a specialist physician in 1996 and registered as a nephrologist in 1999 (UKZN); Completed epidemiology and biostatistics training masters’ degree in 2008 (London University); Completed PhD in 2017 (UKZN).
Has over 20 years’ experience in public sector clinical service, undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in Internal Medicine and Nephrology; Experienced examiner, moderator and convenor.
Recipient of national and international awards and grants; Experience in clinical research; Reviewer in journal publication, research grant application and related research committees; Member of national and international professional societies and committees in Medicine and Nephrology, including service in executive as well as advisory roles;
Current interests include transformational leadership, improving access to quality training in medicine, research in clinical epidemiology, early kidney disease, non-communicable diseases.