SAMA Annual Conference 2024


Registrars, Researchers in Health Sciences Training and Research Training
Calling for Abstracts and Posters

Call For Abstracts And Guidelines

  • The deadline for abstract submission is the 15th January 2024 at midnight South African Standard Time. We will not accept abstracts after this date.
  • All abstracts must be written in English.
  • All abstracts are submitted for either a possible oral or electronic poster display presentation.
  • Please proofread your abstracts carefully and check spelling, grammar, and scientific facts before you submit.
  • The text cannot exceed 350 words.
  • Include a maximum of 6 appropriate keywords.
  • You will be required to submit a short biography for the presenting author of no more than 100 words during the submission process.
  • All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific and Adjudication Committee, and they will make the final selection.
  • We will notify you of acceptance/rejection by the 24 January 2024.
  • If your abstract is accepted, the Scientific Committee retains the right to change the presentation type and the programme. We will communicate this directly to the respective author.

Medical Schools Participation

  • Abstracts are open to registrars and any other researchers in the medical field.
  • Deans of medical schools and/or Heads of Departments are encouraged to nominate one student to submit their abstract or poster.
  • Any researcher and/or any other student from the medical schools may also submit their abstract but if accepted, the deadline to register and pay to attend in order to be included in the programme is 29 January 2024.


Your abstract should clearly indicate the following:

  • A brief background of the context of your work/investigation/hypothesis in relation to research around healthcare.
  • A summary of the main aspects to be discussed or addressed in your presentation.
  • Short/main conclusion resulting from your work/investigation/hypothesis.


Towards Strengthening Health Systems is the overarching theme:

  1. Communicable and non-communicable diseases (from treatment to prevention) and the impact on mental health
  2. Women and child health
  3. Health and safety issues for patients and their “carers” (Drs nurses etc)
  4. Technology and the business of health care

Evaluation process

Criteria for evaluating the quality of abstracts/ posters include: originality of ideas and methods, concise presentation of methods and results, clarity of application and implementation and quality of writing. Each abstract will be evaluated by the committee and the committee’s decision is final.